Galvanized, Galvannealed, Cold Rolled Sheets

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SSHBP - #8 Mirror

SSHBP - BA (Bright Annealed)

HPS - #8 Mirror

HPS - BA (Bright Annealed)

DS - #8 Mirror

DS - BA (Bright Annealed)

SG4 - #8 Mirror

SG4 - BA (Bright Annealed)

SG4 - #8 Mirror Beveled

SG4B - BA (Bright Annealed) Beveled

SG4TT - Two Tone

SBW - #8 Mirror

SBW - BA (Bright Annealed)

D3 - #8 Mirror

D3 - BA (Bright Annealed)

D3B - #8 Mirror Beveled

D3B - BA (Bright Annealed) Beveled

D4 - #8 Mirror

D4 - BA (Bright Annealed)

D4B - #8 Mirror Beveled

D4B - BA (Bright Annealed) Beveled

D6 - #8 Mirror

D6 - BA (Bright Annealed)

D6B - #8 Mirror Beveled

D6B - BA (Bright Annealed) Beveled

D6TT - Two Tone

D6TT - Two Tone

D12 - #8 Mirror

D12 - BA (Bright Annealed)

D12B - #8 Mirror Beveled

D12B - BA (Bright Annealed) Beveled

DT63 - #8 Mirror

DT63 - BA (Bright Annealed)

DT63B - #8 Mirror Beveled

DT63B - BA (Bright Annealed) Beveled

DT84 - #8 Mirror

DT84 - BA (Bright Annealed)

DT84B - #8 Mirror Beveled

DT84B - BA (Bright Annealed) Beveled

DT84TT - Two Tone

BW1 - #8 Mirror

BW1 - BA (Bright Annealed)

BW2 - #8 Mirror

BW2 - BA (Bright Annealed)

BW3 - #8 Mirror

BW3 - BA (Bright Annealed)


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Galvanized, Galvannealed, Cold Rolled Sheets

Galvanized Steel Sheet

Galvanized Steel Sheet

Galvanized steel sheet refers to a process that covers mild steel with a layer of zinc to provide good corrosion resistance. Stainless Supply G90 Galvanized steel, meaning that the zinc coating is a minimum of 0.90 ounces per square foot (total coating, both sides of the sheet). If equally applied to both sides of the G90 Galvanized steel sheet, there would be a minimum of 0.45 ounces on each surface.
Galvannealed Steel Sheet

Galvannealed Steel Sheet

Galvannealed steel has very similar properties as standard galvanized, but the surface has a more porous and abrasive finish that more readily accepts paint.
Cold Rolled Steel Sheet

Cold Rolled Steel Sheet

Cold rolled sheet is mild steel that has a nice smooth surface and very good formability.

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